We offer different options of private sessions, please contact us if you like to have a consultation in person in our center in Indian Wells or online through Zoom or Skype.


  • Private Healing Session with Foster and Kristos
    A Private Healing Session with Foster and Kristos is a one-on-one encounter of healing and awakening. It gives a good taste of the Golden Hummingbird healing experience. In these personal meetings, they correct interruptions of the life plan of an individual, inspire to take a new direction and offer clarity.

    • Foster and Kristos work in a unique, clear and straightforward manner.
    • Kristos gives a reading of the karmic patterns of the soul.

    This includes the exact past lives that effect this incarnation, the connection from other incarnations with family, marriage partners and children – whatever is relevant to the healing.

    Foster offers very strong healing work to release the inhibiting patterns from the body and memory. This strengthens the body and clears out all emotional patterns that sabotage a person’s life. A person feels lighter, clearer in their mind, at peace with the past and ready to work diligently on developing their soul. They never let a person get up from a healing unless the deeper, more permanent colors of the aura change and are stabilized.

    Each session is unique, comprehensive and detailed.

    We know this healing work is profound and gets to the causes of illnesses.

    By revealing the emotional patterns behind an illness or addictive behavior, we are given all the choices to correct our beliefs and decisions. Then we can reveal our true self and be authentic.

    A Private Session with Foster and Kristos for one person lasts about two hours and costs 650 USD.


  • A personal reading and coaching with Kristos – also available via Zoom or Skype
    Kristos gives a reading of the Aura and of karmic patterns of the soul. This includes the exact past lives that effect this incarnation, the connection from other incarnations with family, marriage partners and children and all other important patterns or events – whatever is relevant to the healing. It is like the one to one session in person, very effective – only via internet. A session costs from 450 to 500 USD and lasts from 90 to 120 minutes. Price depends on the duration of the session.


  • Personal Shamanic Healing Session or Mentoring Session with Foster – it is an opportunity to spend time with Foster and go deeply in to the healing with him only. Also available and very effective via Zoom / Skype. A session costs from 450 to 650 USD and lasts from 90 to 180 minutes. Price depends on the duration of the session.


  • Personalized Hypnosis Session – Kristos puts in positive implants in the subconscious for health, love, well-being, abundance, success and other themes and patterns. A session costs 650 USD and lasts about 120 minutes. The Hypnosis Session can be booked also as online consultation. In that case Kristos is doing the reading and consultation online and prepares an individual Hypnosis meditation afterwards for you.


Please contact us for an appointment: office@goldenhummingbird.com