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Online Workshop

Kristos takes us in his workshop e.g. to the deep wisdom of Hekate Magic, Astral Travels and Greek Papyri. Foster and Kristos offer online also their well-known Shamanic Healing sessions with an individualized healing where everyone is deeply worked on with Shamanic and Kabbalistic techniques.

Tour Schedule

Here you find our tour schedule to the US East Coast, Europe and South America.

Private Session

Private Consultations and Healing Sessions are an one-on-one encounter of healing and awakening. It gives a good taste of the Golden Hummingbird healing experience. In these personal meetings, we correct interruptions of the life plan of an individual, inspire to take a new direction and offer clarity.


Learn more about our Trainings: A combination of Magic Hermetic training with Kristos and Shamanic Healing for each person and training with Foster.